Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Academic Olympics 2016 & 19th Week of School

I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas vacation… So how many of you saw Star Wars?  I guess over 1 billion have… WOW! I loved it.  Might go again.

We come back for the new semester on Tuesday, January 5th.

I am still working on grades for first semester (almost done)… I have been very busy.  If there is something I need to know you need to let me know ASAP.  I sign off for my grades the the day we get back.

Congratulations for all those that were selected by their teachers to be representatives in this year’s Aquinas Academic Olympics…

Art = Chloe Roth 8th/Francesca Gregory 7th

Science = Sarah Gawlik 8th/Connor McGowan 7th

Math = Mara Winkles 8th/Thomas Day 7th

Social Studies = Robert O’Guin 8th/Aston Flores 7th

Gym = Brooke Aho 8th/Jacob Roman 7th

Religion = Andrew Courtright 8th/Dominic Zarza 7th

English = MacKenzie Schick 8th/Emily Bucon 7th

Science Presentations Scheduled for the first Friday (8th) when we come back are as follows…

8th Grade:
Carly D.
Lauren B.
Maria S.
Adam B.
Andrew C.

7th Grade:
Madi B.
Samantha S.
Riley B.
Steven B.
Matthew H.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

HaPPy HoLiDaYs!!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

From my family to my Cabrini families... have yourself a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Be safe, relax and enjoy your time with family and friends.  We will see you all back on Tuesday, January 5th. 

Beat the Gators!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

18th Week of School

6th Grade Fill-In Map Quiz of the Southern Region is today and their Unit Test on Chapter 5 is Friday.

7th & 8th Grade Science Mid-Term is tomorrow. (8th grade: Chapters 11 & 12, 7th grade: Chapter 5)

Only two presentations are this Friday (18th).

8th Grade:
Ben B.

Monday the 21st is a Half-Day of School; Christmas vacation starts after that and we return on January 5th.

How many of you are going to the new Star Wars over the Christmas break? I am after school on Monday and taking my nephew.  "May the Force be with you!"


Monday, December 7, 2015

17th Week of School

Science Presentations this Thursday (10th) are as Follows…

8th Grade:
Sara G.
Haylei L.
Emma C.
Meghan F.
Ryan D.
Kael D.

7th Grade:
Mario C.
Brenden F.
Blake W.
Aston F.

There is only two Presentation the Following Week on Friday the 18th

8th Grade:
Jeremy D.
Ben B.

There is a Fill-In U.S. Map Quiz tomorrow in 6th grade on the mid-west states and one on Thursday for the east region.

Mass is tomorrow NOT Thursday (Feast of the Immaculate Conception)

There is a half-day this Friday (11th).

Monday, November 30, 2015

16th Week of School

I hope everyone had a wonderful and well rested Thanksgiving!

Science Presentations this Friday (4th) are as follows…

8th Grade:
Jonas R.
Yoselin D.
Grace S.
Lorenzo C.
Zach B.
Evan T.

7th Grade:
Braulio P.
Ben D.
Max I.
Jesse L.

6th Grade U.S. Map Fill-In Quiz Schedule… Dec. 3rd (West Region), Dec. 8th (Mid-West Region), Dec. 11th (East Region) & Dec. 15th (South Region)

6th Grade Unit Test on Chapter 5 is Dec. 18th.

7th & 8th Grade Science Mid-Terms are scheduled for Dec. 16th.

There is a half-day next Friday (11th).

Here is a pic of my no name papers!