Tuesday, February 24, 2015

24th Week of School

Science Presentations this Friday (27th) are as Follows…

8th Grade:
Brooke W.
Madelyn K.
Josh G.
Jacksen K.
Kylie G.

7th Grade:
Joey M.
Sophie S.
Bridgette V.
Evan T.
Francesca T.

There is $1.00 Jeans Day this Friday.

The 6th Grade Mandatory Camp Meeting is Next Thursday (5th) in the Science Lab…
*5:30-6:30 Chaperones
*6:30-7:30 All Other Parents

Please also get ALL your balances & health forms in before then.

Just a FYI the 3rd Quarter Ends March 13th.


Here is a hands-on activity we were doing with 7th graders; making chemical formulas... this one I believe was the beginning of sugar = C6H12O6.  

Thursday, February 19, 2015

No School Today or Tomorrow.... Cold Days

No School Today or Tomorrow… Cold Day! #4, #5

I made the mistake to go out today to pick up lunch and do a few errands… Not really a good idea.  Everyone stay inside in today and tomorrow if you can it is way to go cold out, especially with the wind chill.  It said 5 degrees in my truck, but it feels way worse.  Brrrrrrr.

Since we do not have school tomorrow I expect the students that are signed up for their Science Presentations to be ready Monday then.  

6th graders have a poster board that was due tomorrow... they are now due Monday.

Negative 11 are you kidding me?


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Winter Break & Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day & Winter Break!

I hope everyone is enjoying their time off in this absolutely, unbearable frigid temperatures; perhaps you were one of the lucky ones and went somewhere warm… Keep bundled up!

There is 8th Grade test Tuesday (the day we get back) on Chapter 1.  This was rescheduled from the original date.  It is very short only one page front & back… be sure to know how to calculate slope, average speed, acceleration & recognize distance/time graphs.

Here is the list of the Science Experiments & Presentations for next Friday (20th).

8th Grade:
Hannah S.
Hannah M.
Teagen L.
Lauren C.

7th Grade:
Marie S.
Peyton P.
Micala C.
Mitchell O.
Sarah G.
Addison F.
Jonas R.

Miss Beattie and I unfortunately need yet again another 6th grade adult male chaperone for this year’s YMCA Store Camp.  Please let either of us know ASAP.  Chaperone and Parent mandatory meeting is being held March 5 in the science lab.

6th grade Natural Disaster Poster Boards Due next Friday (20th).

Ash Wednesday is next Wednesday.


I am so excited AC/DC is coming to Detroit in September!  Tickets go on sale this Monday… one of the very few bands I have never seen live in concert.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cold Day!!

There is NO school again today... frigid temperatures!  Enjoy your 3rd Snow Day off so far this school year... see you tomorrow I am sure. 

Winter Break is February 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th & 16th.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow Day!!

There is no school today because of the heavy snow fall yesterday.  That's #2 for the school year.  See you all tomorrow.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

21st Week of School

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!

So if the New England Patriots win today… that will be Tom Brady’s fourth Super Bowl Championship being 4-6 in Super Bowls, would he be without argument then be the best quarterback in NFL history?  I think so.  Not bad, for a 6th round draft pick from the University of Michigan.  Go Blue! & Go Pats!

Congratulations those that won medals in this year’s Academic Olympics on Friday…
Jack M. (gold 8th grade math)
Kesley B. (gold 8th grade English)
Chloe R. (silver 7th grade art)
Sarah G. (silver 7th grade science)

*All Academic Olympic participants may have a Jeans Day this Monday (9th) not the 6th since there is a $1.00 Jeans this Friday for the Auction.

8th Grade Test is scheduled for February 11th Chapter 1.
7th Grade Test is scheduled for February 10th Chapter 7 Part 3 of 3.
6th Grade Test is scheduled for February 11thChapter 4.

6th Grade Camp balances will be due soon.  You will receive a letter telling you what your remaining total is and any fundraisers you may of done that would have reduced the cost.

Science Presentations this Friday (6th) are as Follows…
8th Grade:
Lauren C.
Andrew S.
Jack M.
Logan F.

7th Grade:
Haley A.
Angelina M.
Ryan F.

I will NOT be in school tomorrow. Mrs. Daniel is the substitute.  If it keeps snowing maybe everyone will be off.

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