Wednesday, March 23, 2016

30th Week of School

Happy Easter!

There is a 6th grade test today on Chapter 6.

8th Grade started their Popsicle Bridge Activity this week; the due date is May 4th.

Stations of the Cross are today at 2:00 PM.


Please have a wonderful and relaxing Easter vacation. See you all back on April 4th.

Monday, March 14, 2016

29th Week of School

The 4th Quarter starts tomorrow.

We had Reconciliation today with the MS.

There are NO science student experiments presentations planned for this week or next.

There is a half-day this Thursday and no school Friday for the annual school Auction.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

March 23rd will be the 6th grade unit test on Chapter 6.



Tuesday, March 8, 2016

28th Week of School

There is a mandatory Parent Meeting today in the Science Lab today for YMCA Storer Camp… 5:30 PM is for Chaperones & 6:30 PM is for all other parents.  Please use side door near the lab.

7th Grade had a science test today on the skeletal system, nervous system, muscular system, endocrine system and reproductive system.

The 8th Grade test on Chapter 3 was postponed till tomorrow.

We have a Drug Prevention Assembly scheduled tomorrow in the morning.

Science Experiments This Friday are as Follows…

8th Grade:
Jacy H.
Bridgette V.
Emma D.
MacKenzie S.
Jeremy D.
Nick B.

7th Grade:
Tori L.
Pratham P.
Greg P.
Jaden T.
Kevin J.
Izzy C.

The 3rd Quarter ends next Monday.