Friday, September 1, 2017


Dear Parents:                                                                                              September 1st, 2017


I recently was at a going away party for a former colleague of Cabrini that I remained close with after he retired.  He had sold his house and was moving to sunny Florida.  I had learned a great deal from him when I worked with him and was sad that it may be a very long time till the next time I see him.  He like so many of us come to these forks in the roads where we have to decide are we going to be afraid and let fear hold us back or are we going to take a leap of faith?  That can be a scary thing; I know he was anxious about this move, but excited all the same.  Believe me I know that feeling of your stomach in knots and trouble sleeping because of not knowing what the future may bring.  The uncertainly of it all can be very stressful, but we need to trust the process.  God has a plan.


I have been a teacher for fifteen years and would be embarking on my tenth year here at Cabrini.  In that time I have made what I hope will be some long lasting friendships.  I truly love many of you and thank you for being so supportive and caring to me in my tenure.  Cabrini has the best parents.  However, as the flow of information at Cabrini moves very fast you may already know that I have decided with a very heavy heart, much soul searching and counsel that it is time to move on.  I have accepted a new position at Bryant Middle School in Dearborn as their new 6th grade science/social studies teacher.  I am basically starting immediately and have already hit the floor running as their first day of school is Tuesday.  I am very excited about this new opportunity and looking forward to a fresh start, but my soul hurts because I couldn’t say goodbye to your children the way I wanted.  Please hold them, pray with them and tell them my decision has nothing to do with them.  My wife and I do not have children and anyone that knows me that when I talk about “my kids” I am referring to my students.  I don’t want them to think I am abandoning them.  I know that they are in more than capable hands and will be just fine, but I can’t help, but feeling guilty.  I ensure you I did not come to this decision easily, but I need more.  Honestly, I have to consider what is in the best interest for me and my family.  I need a chance to apply my education with a real opportunity to advance my career which is not possible for me at Cabrini.  I became a teacher because I honestly feel there is no better or rewarding profession.  I am looking forward to what this new journey will bring and understand all the positive things at Cabrini I am giving up; so please pray for me because I am nervous.  Also, never hesitate to reach out and contact me.  Good luck to you and all your future endeavors that God puts in front of you.  I will miss you all very much and wish you only the best.


Sincerely Yours:

Mr. Kerr

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