Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer Vacation is Almost Over... Time for the Start of School Again.

Happy New School Year!

Welcome back….  As always I am excited for what new adventures we will have with another school year at hand here at Cabrini.  I have been at school tutoring and getting ready for the year a little more every day.  This will be my 10th year here.  Go Monarchs!

Here are a couple reminders… The first day of school is August 22nd and it is a half-day. Picture Day is the 24th.  Also, I will be doing my Remind 101 app again if you were in 7th grade last year the link has changed and you will have re-register by going to link this goes for all new upcoming 8th graders as well and then if you are going to be in 7th grade the link is slightly different at This is a simple process just enter your cell phone (students and parents) on the website and they will send you a confirmation code on your cell phone then you will be able to receive text messages from me about important and upcoming events.  Students will again be responsible for two science experiments (one per semester) I actually made up the calendar today.  I am going to try something new and give all the dates prior the school starting so students and parents will know what is available and plan.  Personally, I would stay away from the end of the semester because of exams.  I hope this helps.

1st Semester:
September 9th
September 16th
September 22nd
September 28th
October 13th
October 19th
November 3rd
November 11th
November 18th
December 2nd
December 7th
December 16th

2nd Semester:
January 13th
January 19th
January 27th
February 10th
February 15th
February 24th
March 3rd
March 10th
March 17th
April 7th
May 5th
May 12th (7th grade only)
May 18th (7th grade only)

Students need a spiral notebook for my class, their own writing utensils, loose leaf paper when needed, coloring supplies and YOU MUST COVER YOUR TEXT BOOK!

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